The second “Big Brother 19” Den of Temptation winner has been revealed on the live feeds and new Head of Household Paul is very pleased with America’s choice.
At 5:37 p.m. PT on the feeds, Christmas confided in Paul that she won the second Den of Temptation. The prize is she can switch herself out for one of the three choses houseguests in the next Power of Veto competition.
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Christmas says it would have been a great Den of Temptation prize if she hadn’t broken her foot, but Paul says it’s still “fucking perfect” because she could take a potential threat out of the running for POV (like Cody).
Christmas also reveals that she doesn’t know what the curse is, but she did get to pick which three houseguests receive the curse. She chose Jessica, Cody and Ramses, which is in line with the Paul/Christmas/showmance side of the house’s plan to backdoor Cody.
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Honestly, there’s not much Cody can do at this point. The only scenario that will save him is if Ramses uses his curse this week t make himself a nominee and then wins POV and takes himself off. Then Paul’s nominations will stay the same — and if he goes with the plan, the two noms will be Josh and Alex. The plan is to backdoor Cody, not nominate him outright.
But feeds are down for the nominations, so we’ll update you when we know for sure who Paul has put on the block. Stay tuned to We Love Big Brother for all the latest “Big Brother 19” news — follow WLBB on Twitter and like us on Facebook to stay up to date. And don’t forget to support our site by signing up for your “Big Brother” live feed trial through our website’s link.